adnan's kitchen


  •  1 Onion
  •  1/4 cup olive oil
  •  i kg. fresh bamieh
  •  4-6 cloves garlic
  •  1 can tomato pelato
  •  Green pepper
  •  Hot pepper to taste
  •  1 Lemon


i Bamieh b' Zeit
Bamieh is Okra, and Bamieh b'zeit is okra in olive oil. This is a vegetarian recipe that is simple to make and absoloutly delicious. It is usually served with fresh pita bread or white rice on the side and some hot green pepper.

Adnan's Kitchen
Bamieh b' Zeit
(Ocra in oil)



  1. Chop onion fine and fry in oil.
  2. Add the Bamieh and fry well on low fire for 15 minutes with the chopped garlic cloves.
  3. Add contents of tomato can.
  4. Let all cook for 30 minutes turning very delicately to avoid mashing the bamieh.
  5. Add green peppers , hot peppers and lemon juice.
Serve cold with bread

Pizza di Patate